U sklopu Kulturpuntkovog i SPID-ovog programa Kritička dramaturgija: odučavanje, u četvrtak, 18. travnja u 19 sati u prostoru Udruženja hrvatskih arhitekata filozofkinja Oksana Timofejeva održat će predavanje naslovljeno Što je duša?
Koncept duše može se činiti zastarjelim. Međutim, čak i u današnjoj sekularnoj kulturi i filozofiji nakon smrti Boga, koja se melankolično oslanja na korporealnost svijeta, ovaj koncept zasjenjen je manifestacijom tijela i ne nestaje nego opstaje, ponegdje i ponekad, skriven pod različitim imenima. Prednost je filozofskih koncepata što nikada zapravo ne zastarijevaju. Može ih se odbaciti, ali i reciklirati kako bi se koristili na nov način. U svojem predavanju, Oksana Timofejeva ocrtat će nekoliko perspektiva o mogućim novim, alternativnim shvaćanjima starinske duše.
Oksana Timofejeva je filozofkinja i spisateljica, glavna istraživačica na Institutu globalne rekonstitucije (IGRek, Berlin) i članica umjetničkog kolektiva “Chto Delat” (Što da se radi). Autorica je knjiga Solar Politics (Polity 2022), How to Love a Homeland (Kayfa ta, 2020), History of Animals (Bloomsbury 2018), This is not That (na ruskom, Ivan Limbakh Publishing House, 2022)), Introduction to the Erotic Philosophy of Georges Bataille (na ruskom, New Literary Observer, 2009) i drugih zapisa. Trenutno završava rad na knjizi Freud’s Beasty Boys (Matthes & Seitz 2025).
Predavanje će se održati na engleskom jeziku.
Oxana Timofeeva: What is the Soul?
As part of Kulturpuntkt’s and SPID’s program Critical dramaturgy: unlearning, on Thursday 18.4. at 7 p.m. in the premises of the Association of Croatian Architects (Udruženje hrvatskih arhitekata), the philosopher Oxana Timofeeva will hold a lecture entitled What is the soul?
The idea of the soul might seem outdated. However, even in today’s secular culture and philosophy after the death of God, which melancholically accounts on the corporeality of the world, this idea, overshadowed by the manifestation of bodies, does not disappear, but persists in disguise, here and there, under different names. The advantage of philosophical concepts is that they never really become obsolete. They can be dumped, but also can be recycled and put to a new use. In her lecture, Timofeeva will draw some perspectives of what such new, alternative understanding of the vintage soul can be.
Oxana Timofeeva is a philosopher and writer, a lead researcher at the Institute of Global Reconstitution (IGRek, Berlin), and a member of the artistic collective “Chto Delat” (“What is to be done”). She is the author of books Solar Politics (Polity 2022), How to Love a Homeland (Kayfa ta, 2020), History of Animals (Bloomsbury 2018), This is not That (in Russian, Ivan Limbakh Publishing House, 2022)), Introduction to the Erotic Philosophy of Georges Bataille (in Russian, New Literary Observer, 2009), and other writings. Her new book Freud’s Beasty Boys is forthcoming (Matthes & Seitz 2025).
Event will be held in English.
Događanje nastaje uz podršku Udruženja hrvatskih arhitekata (UHA).
Vizual: Zoran Đukić
Program se provodi se uz financijsku podršku Grada Zagreba i Zaklade Kultura Nova.